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Common Aviation Area Agreement between EU and Armenia enters into force

January 31,2023 11:22

This month, the Common Aviation Area Agreement (CAAA) between the European Union and Armenia entered into administrative application. The agreement was signed on 15 November 2021 and aims at removing market restrictions and creating a common aviation area between Armenia and the EU.

In particular, the agreement means that all EU airlines will be able to operate direct flights from anywhere in the EU to any airport in Armenia, and vice versa for Armenian airlines. Also, all limitations and restrictions on flights between Armenia and the EU will be removed and the provisions on open and fair competition will guarantee a level playing field.

With the agreement, Armenia will further align its legislation with EU aviation rules and standards in areas such as aviation safety, air traffic management, security, the environment, economic regulation, competition, consumer protection and social aspects.

In line with the European Union-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) commitments, the EU will in 2023 launch comprehensive capacity-building support for civil aviation in Armenia.

Furthermore, a two-year EU-funded project with the EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) started in March 2022 to provide technical assistance to further assist Armenia in enhancing its aviation safety oversight capacity.

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