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“Armath” Engineering Laboratory was opened in Kuwait

February 01,2023 18:45

On January 31th the official opening ceremony of Armath Engineering Lab at Armenian School of Kuwait took place. It was accompanied with welcome remarks by the Principal of the Armenian School, the UATE General Director Hayk Chobanyan. Shamam Gevorgyan presented an overview of Armath 10 years’ achievements. Also Armath Kuwait students presented their projects.

Kuwaiti officials and potential partners, Armenian community representatives, community members, parents, students, official representatives of sister Christian churches in Kuwait, Kuwaiti Private schools and colleges were invited to the opening.

On the same day there was a meeting with Dr. Ammar Alhusaini, Acting Director General of Central Agency for Information Technology (CAIT). Then the delegation visited the Armenian Church in Kuwait.

On January 29 – February 2 Armenian High Tech delegation pays a working visit to Kuwait. The delegation members are Hayk Chobanyan, Chief Executive Officer of Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises (UATE), Shamam Gevorgyan, Educational Programs Director of Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises, Arman Atoyan, Co-Founder of Arloopa and Ashot Arzumanyan, Co-Founder of the SmartGateVC.

The visit has the objectives to hold the official opening of Armath Lab in Kuwait at the Armenian School, raise awareness about Armenia’s High-Tech sector and its opportunities, introduce the High-Tech sector to Kuwait’s government agencies in charge of ICT sector, provide spectrum of investment and cooperation opportunities with Armenian companies (including startups), and establish contacts with IT private companies in Kuwait.

On January 30th there was a presentation of “Armenia’s High-Tech Sector and its opportunities” topic during the B2B meetings with the Kuwait private sector companies. Also the delegation participated in the reception of the Embassy of Armenia in Kuwait.

On February 1st delegation members had a meeting with Mr. Anas Mirza, CEO of National Technology Enterprise Company.

Worth mentioning that the Armath Lab in Kuwait started functioning in the Autumn of 2022, but the official ceremony was planned for January 31th, 2023 for all the stakeholder to have the opportunity to hear the first presentations of the students.

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