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Hayastan All Armenian Fund provides urgent humanitarian assistance to Armenian community of Syria

February 10,2023 11:15

As a result of the devastating earthquake in Syria on February 6 which has worsened the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the country, the Hayastan All Armenian Fund is providing financial support to 15 Armenian educational institutions in Aleppo, as well as other Armenian educational institutions in Damascus, Latakia, and Kessab.

The assistance of $100,000 is provided by the French affiliate (Fonds Arménien de France) of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund and will be allocated to educational institutions for provision of financial assistance to around 1,100 teachers and technical staff.

The buildings of Armenian educational institutions and churches in Aleppo were damaged, including Karen Jeppe Armenian College, Cilician College and S.O. Khach Orphanage. Therefore, a part of the support will be allocated for renovation purposes of those institutions.

The urgent humanitarian aid will be distributed in close cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Syria and with the involvement of the church and Armenian community organizations.

The previous program of assistance to the Syrian Armenians was implemented in 2020 when the healthcare, social and economic situation in Syria was further complicated by the coronavirus pandemic. The Fund allocated $70,000 to a number of Armenian educational centers in Syria as well as to Syrian Armenians undergoing coronavirus treatment in inpatient facilities.

The Hayastan All Armenian Fund expresses its support to those affected by the earthquake and being committed to its humanitarian mission, stands firmly by the Syrian Armenian community.

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