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“I hope that on my next visit, I will meet all of you in Artsakh, in your homes.” Member of the European Parliament Francois-Xavier Bellamy (Photo series)

February 14,2023 12:12

French member of the European Parliament, head of the delegation of the “Les Républicains – LR” party in the European Parliament, FrançoisXavier Bellamy  was in the Syunik region on February 11. First, he had a private conversation with Syunik Marz (region) governor Robert Ghukasyan, without cameras. “Mr. Bellamy was interested in the situation created in the region, and the region’s development plans. With this visit, he shows that his country is next to the Armenian people. And this is a clear signal because he is not the first official to visit Syunik.

With this, France clearly signals that it supports Armenia at all levels,” Syunik Marz (province) Governor Robert Ghukasyan told reporters after the interview.

After the private conversation, the member of the European Parliament, accompanied by Robert Ghukasyan, left for the border checkpoint on the road connecting Armenia with Artsakh. The French deputy wants to see what is happening because, according to him, the Azerbaijani side presents an entirely different picture. François-Xavier Bellamy also talks with representatives of the Red Cross carrying humanitarian aid to Artsakh at the border checkpoint.

Then he records that the road is closed and the citizens cannot pass there. The next stop of the member of the European Parliament was the “Har-Mar” hotel in Goris, where families from Artsakh temporarily took refuge due to the blockade. “I will give a speech in the European Parliament in a few days; that’s why I came here to meet with you, to get to know the situation on the spot and to present it to the world,” said the French MP. Mrs. Asleda worked as a doctor at Shushi hospital.

After the 44-day war, the family moved to Stepanakert and rented a house. She came to Armenia on business, and the road was closed. “I miss all my relatives; I wish the road would open and go home as soon as possible. We indeed feel good here, but our home is not. We are grateful to the hotel and the governor of Syunik for solving the smallest issue,” said Mrs. Asleda. Responding to Ms. Asleda, François-Xavier Bellamy noted that they always cooperate with the regional government of Syunik.

The deputy spoke to all Artsakh citizens living in the hotel. “I am glad that although you have seen war, Artsakh is under siege, but you are ready to live in peace, to preserve your history, to build a new future,” said Francois-Xavier Bellamy, a historian by profession, addressing the gathering. The member of the European Parliament hopes that a way out will be found and the road will be opened. “I hope that on my next visit, I will meet all of you in Artsakh, in your homes,” said Francois-Xavier Bellamy before saying goodbye.


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