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Pashinyan’s “6 Munich principles”

February 18,2023 12:12

Yesterday, another forum dedicated to security issues was opened in Munich, where the Prime Minister of Armenia participates. In general, that conference is most often mentioned today in the context of Putin’s speech in 2007, in which he expressed his ambition to return to the “club of superpowers,” which was met with resistance from the West and ultimately led to a bloody war. Everything in this world is interconnected, and no one will deny that the course of the war in Ukraine directly affects the situation in Armenia and Artsakh.

But I would like to refer to the Munich conference that took place in a more recent historical period, on the occasion of which on February 16, 2020; Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan came forward with his so-called “Munich 6 principles”. Let me quote three of them. “1. Nagorno-Karabakh got independence just like Azerbaijan. 2. Nagorno-Karabakh is a party to the conflict and negotiation; without negotiating with which, it is not possible to resolve the conflict. 6. The NK issue has no military solution. If someone says the issue has a military solution, the people of Karabakh will say it was resolved long ago.” Such was the official position of Armenia just three years ago and seven months before the war.

It must be assumed that at that moment, the Prime Minister did not know that Artsakh had long since surrendered, that Armenia had signed many documents, starting with the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration, where Artsakh is recognized as part of Azerbaijan, that the UN Security Council accepted 4 Resolutions, that our army is looted: there is no army, that the Russians are wrong allies or not allies at all, and in general, the Armenian people have some wrong DNA.

All of the above quotes were put into circulation after the defeat. And if we, by God’s help, were to win, it would be said: look what wise theses the head of the country has put forward and has drawn the strategy of our victory in an insightful way.

Now, as far as I understand, our salvation is several dozen European observers. When they are deployed, Azerbaijan will no longer attack us, the Berdzor corridor will be opened, and the people of Artsakh will be allowed to preserve their Armenianness. I want to remind you that in 1915 there were thousands of Western “observers” in the Ottoman Empire.


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