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European Union leaders: ‘We will make sure that Ukraine prevails’

February 25,2023 19:33

One year following the outbreak of Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, EU leaders have reiterated their steadfast support for, and solidarity with Ukraine and its people, stating: “All Ukrainians deserve to live in peace and choose freely their own destiny.”

The leaders say that the EU is also determined to ensure that all those who are responsible for war crimes and other most serious crimes committed in connection with Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine are held to account.

“Together with our international partners, we will make sure that Ukraine prevails, that international law is respected, that peace and Ukraine’s territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders are restored, that Ukraine is rebuilt, and that justice is done,” says the statement. “Until that day, we will not rest.”

European Union leaders: ‘We will make sure that Ukraine prevails’

To mark the anniversary of Russia’s full-scale and unprovoked war against Ukraine, the European Commission building in Brussels was illuminated with a Ukrainian flag. “We honour the bravery of the Ukrainian people. The memory of the fallen,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote on Twitter.

Ukrainian flags were also displayed in front of the building. “One day Ukraine will join our European family. One day this flag will fly high everyday in Brussels, where it rightfully belongs,” commented Ursula von der Leyen.

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