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“Our mountains” Center opened in Stepanakert

March 08,2023 10:33

It would become a platform for discussions, debates, presentation of new ideas and programs, organization, and holding of various social, cultural, and educational events.

“Our mountains” Center was opened in Stepanakert, which will become a place for discussions, debates, and presentations of new ideas and programs. The first discussions occurred in the center, and the new plan for introducing an alternative communication system was presented. Under the blockade, Artsakh residents lack vital resources, including quality communication. The main goal of this program, implemented by the territorial agency “We are our mountains” with public-private cooperation, is to provide a reliable and qualified means of communication for the population, even in the conditions of blocking the Internet.

Grigory Martirosyan, Head of Artsakh Projects of the Agency, presented the progress and significance of the project for the people of Artsakh. “The goal is to have such a system that will become an alternative and reliable means of communication for the people of Artsakh even in the conditions of internet blockade. As a result of the implementation of the project, we expect that completely new communication opportunities will be created for Artsakh,” said Grigory Martirosyan.

The comprehensive research covers topics such as Artsakh security, civil participation in state governance, women’s involvement in political life, relations with Diaspora Armenians, identity and education, social equality, and more. Ruben Vardanyan, the Co-Founder of “We are our mountains” Territorial Agency and former Minister of State of the Republic of Artsakh, noted that before implementing any program, it is imperative to understand the people’s approach, main concerns, and problems so that the programs are targeted to solve their important issues. This principle guides the “We are our mountains” agency.

Referring to the activities of the “Our Mountains” Center, Ruben Vardanyan noted that it would become a platform for discussions, debates, presentation of new ideas and programs, organization, and holding of various social, cultural, and educational events. Discussions will mainly cover two directions: expert, strategic analysis, and reports on the progress and results of the implemented programs. “In this crisis, it is important to have a place to enable a cooperation mechanism between the private and public sectors. I am sure that unity, both inside and outside, is the only way that will allow us to overcome these challenges,” said Ruben Vardanyan.


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