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“Azerbaijan recognized the right to self-determination in 1920, and the USSR recognized it in 1990, by the law of April 3. How long can one not know the material and speak illiterately?” Alexander Manasyan

March 13,2023 14:00

“We should use the experience of the Jews; think about implementing a different policy regarding the recognition of the Genocide because they recognized it, then what? It does not seem to cause legal consequences. I defended the idea that an appropriate international structure should be created, which will pursue and punish those who deny the fact of the Genocide,” political scientist Alexander Manasyan, a participant of the first Pan-Armenian forum, “Future Armenian,” said in a conversation with journalists the other day.

According to him, we have a problem with correcting concepts regarding Genocide. “We have to be snipers, and we have no right to say a wrong word. Look, how many years have passed, and the Armenian authorities did not recognize the Sumgait massacre as a continuation of the Armenian Genocide because it did not reach our strategic ally, Russia, for which it was not pleased that the Genocide took place in the USSR, within the Russian Empire. But we have to find ways around it, and there are ways.

For example, in the 20s, when our lands, Nakhichevan, and Artsakh, were alienated from Armenia, it was not Russia that did it; it was done by the Russia that was brought from outside: Lenin, Trotsky, and the “Sorosians” of those times. Gorbachev is the same; it did not pursue Russian interests.” asked: The authorities need to talk about Artsakh’s right to self-determination. They do not talk about recognizing the Genocide. They say: you have done the same thing for hundreds of years, you have not achieved anything, now you need to conclude peace, as a result of which the economy will develop, how to accomplish this result?, Manasyan answered.

“We didn’t say what we should have said. They say that we have been saying this for 100 years; they say what they think, and we should have spoken correctly. For example, now they are discussing the Karabakh problem, and international law is not mentioned. It is not said that the people’s right to self-determination has been recognized several times; it is constantly said that let’s recognize it. In 1920, it was recognized by Azerbaijan, and in 1990, it was recognized by the USSR, according to the law of April 3. How long can one not know the material and speak illiterately? It shows that we do not know our problem, and it does not happen without science.

In the National Academy of Sciences, in the university, intelligence is in the intelligentsia, not on chairs.” To the question, “Do you not consider it possible to conclude peace with Turkey in this situation?” he answered. “We should know that this state has a goal, and no matter what we compromise, it will not give up its goal. And he doesn’t hide that goal.”



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