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“We should not fall into the arms of illusions related to Azerbaijani gas, Russian gas, and support Armenia and Ukraine.” Herve Juvin

March 16,2023 13:30

“Azerbaijan’s belligerent rhetoric is already intolerable,” MP Herve Juvin announced during the plenary session of the European Parliament. It should be noted that  Andrey  Kovatchev, the  Permanent Rapporteur on Armenian affairs in the European Parliament, presented a resolution on EU-Armenian relations. After this, the MPs made a speech and severely criticized Azerbaijan in their speeches. Herve Juvin noted that seeing how the European Parliament protects Ukraine, Armenia is looking towards the European Union. He stated that Armenia is connected with Europe by historical and cultural ties; therefore, Europe should support Armenia.

Hervé Juvin announced. “We must give up the hypocrisy about Azerbaijani gas. We should not fall into illusions regarding Russian gas, either. Azerbaijan is tempted to create a corridor with Turkey, a geopolitical threat to Europe. We need to strengthen our regional observation mission because Russian peacekeepers are failing. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians are fighting for survival.”

EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi stated that Armenia was subjected to a double crisis: Covid and the war of 2020. Then he mentioned: “Furthermore, the Russian invasion of Ukraine followed, and Armenia found itself in a difficult situation, as it has to rely on a state that carries out impermissible aggression against Ukraine for its security. In this context, Armenia looks to the European Union, its main partner. Considering the democratic development and the rule of law in Armenia, Armenia deserves our full support.”

The commissioner also noted much work to be done in RA, especially in the legal system, gender equality, and protecting vulnerable groups. The speeches of the majority of the deputies of the European Parliament were highly critical of Azerbaijan and emotional. They declared, “We cannot leave alone the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh who are under the threat of ethnic cleansing and annihilation; Armenians have paid a high price for their existence; therefore, the European Union should not leave Armenia alone at this difficult moment”.



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