“The rulers assume that we are defeated and what we are doing is to free ourselves from new losses. That brings us closer to new disasters in the fastest way”, Diplomat, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of RA Ara Sahakyan stated during the discussion “Where is the region going? New developments,” He said that Russia’s influence in the South Caucasus has decreased and considering the attitude of the Armenian authorities towards Russia in this context, he noted.
“The attitude of this government towards Russia also has a shade of meanness and ingratitude in its depth. To take advantage of the unfavorable situation of a strategic partner, a state that has been living in a friendly relationship for at least two centuries. You need to find out whether illiteracy, a particular assignment, lack of life experience, or all together consider the reason for this. Speaking about expectations from Russia, Ara Sahakyan said. “Sometimes I catch myself having these great expectations from Russia; I unwittingly accept that we should be part of the same state as Russia. Because of everything we want from Russia, we can wish to if we are part of the same state.
Diplomat, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of RA Ara Sahakyan
But we are different states; we have allied relations. Turkey and Russia delicately pursued a course of reconciling their differences. Today, Russia managed to tear away such a position from Turkey. Turkey has a pro-Ukrainian position, but it does not have a pronounced anti-Russian position.” Referring to the foreign policy conducted by Armenia, he said. “We want to get closer to Europe, but that does not mean at all that you should destroy the existing security system, the CSTO.
With Russia, we can go the way that we do not demand a condemnation resolution from the CSTO, but we demand military support from you. While working with Europe, we are trying to cooperate with you regarding some institutional reforms and expected investments, but don’t set a condition for us to sever ties with Russia. As long as they are in power, we must send our word to them no matter how much we demand a change of power. For example, not to trust the peace treaty imposed on Armenia from all sides.”
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The diplomat also said about Russian-Turkish relations. “The Turks are skillfully busy processing Russian oil and selling it to the world. They already have a profit of two billion dollars. Russian oil refining jet fuel is exported to the USA. According to 2021-2022 data, the export has increased fifty times from 24 thousand tons.
Turkey can show us how to create, build and strengthen a state. They could not have given us a greater benefit. Azerbaijan does the same. South Caucasian discussions are held in Azerbaijan almost daily. They talk about our leader Aliyev extending his helping hand to Armenia. Here, it is necessary to create serious defensive layers to break the chain of losses.” According to Ara Sahakyan, Iran cannot guarantee security for us. Its job is to keep itself safe.
Summing up, Ara Sahakyan said: “I think that security systems should not be opposed to each other, but they should be promoted on the principle of complementarily and be very flexible. Otherwise, the South Caucasus will remain in its place, but Armenia will not have its independent state system. This border line between Russia and Turkey will be drawn over Armenia. One part will remain in the territory of the future united or larger Georgian state, the other in the united Turkish-Azerbaijani territory. We should be able to protect this last piece that the heirs of the First Republic have inherited.” According to Ara Sahakyan, the situation is not so tragic. According to his belief, one should work with allies competently and intelligently, never push them away, try to understand their interest, and advance our interest in allied relations with them.