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Performance report 2022 of the Statistical Committee presented to the Prime Minister

March 27,2023 22:02

Today, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the Statistical Committee to participate in the discussion of the performance report 2022 of the institution.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Ministers Mher Grigoryan and Tigran Khachatryan, Head of the State Supervision Service Romanos Petrosyan, Chairman of the Statistical Committee Stepan Mnatsakanyan, the leadership of the Committee, and other officials.

The Prime Minister was reported on the implementation of the statistical program for 2022, which was implemented in full, the planned 472 measures were implemented within the specified period. 23 statistical collections, 67 newsletters, 24 informative monthly reports were distributed. It was noted that in October 13-22, 2022, the 3rd census that took place in Armenia since independence, was conducted for the first time using the combined methodology.

Reforms have been initiated to strengthen statistical capacity. In particular, resource-utilization tables were compiled with the help of international partner structures, seasonally adjusted data of quarterly GDP indicators were developed and published using a new method, the report of the “Domestic Violence against Women Research” report was published, etc. Within the framework of international statistical cooperation, programs were implemented with the European Union, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the UNICEF.

The indicators of the National Accountability Framework were updated, in the sidelines of the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, an awareness raising campaign was held in collaboration with the Office for National Statistics of the United Kingdom. The website of the Statistical Committee is planned to be updated in the near future.

An exchange of views on the report took place. Details were presented to the Prime Minister regarding the activities of the State Council on Statistics, the development and implementation of policies in the field, and the work being done in the direction of the introduction of the system of integrated state administrative registers. The planned activities were discussed, including the expansion of sources of information, the regulation of the legal status of farms and the lack of its definition according to certain standards, the improvement of legal regulations promoting the accountability of respondents, etc.

The Prime Minister emphasized the reforms of the sector in terms of the development of the national statistical system in accordance with international standards. Nikol Pashinyan noted that it is necessary to ensure continuous interoperability of interdepartmental databases based on the legal regulations of accessibility. The Head of the Government also emphasized the wide use of digital tools in the sector.

Based on the results of the discussion, the Prime Minister gave a number of instructions to the relevant officials.



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