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Rescue workers to be certified according to legislative initiative, as a result of which their salaries will increase

April 07,2023 20:15

The adoption of the drafts is conditioned by the need to regulate the signing of a contract on rescue service in the Rescue Service, to ensure proper professional training, to increase the salaries of rescue workers and to prevent brain drain: the RA Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Arpine Sargsyan said presenting the package of drafts of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Rescue Service and on Making Addenda to the law on Remuneration of Persons Holding State and State Service Positions for debate in the first reading on April 7.

According to the Deputy Minister, taking into consideration the existing challenges, it is imperative to complement the Rescue Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with qualified, knowledgeable and well-behaved personnel.

Arpine Sargsyan noted that it is proposed to introduce a new certification system, based on the results of which a surcharge will be calculated for rescue workers, the procedure, conditions and amount of payment will be defined by the Government decision.

The certification process will start from May 2023.

The presence of a disciplinary penalty, as well as the fact that an official investigation has been assigned to the employee, is not a basis for not allowing the attestation.

The right to receive a surcharge based on the results of certification lasts 3 years.

According to the Deputy Minister, attestation is a filtering tool.

She also touched upon the package of proposals presented by the Committee and mentioned that they will be debated during the period from the first to the second reading.

The co-rapporteur, the Committee member Vahagn Aleksanyan, emphasizing the adoption of the drafts, called on his colleagues to vote in favor.

As a result of the debate, the legislative package was endorsed.

The issue will be debated in the upcoming regular sitting within 24 hours.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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