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What does “The guy from Yerevan” mean?

April 08,2023 10:33

Throughout my conscious life, I hear the expression, “I am a guy from Yerevan,” which is unclear if we think deeply. People may want to emphasize that they were born and live in the capital, and their way of life, manners, and intellect are beneficially different from the residents of other cities and villages of Armenia. Or, they want to show that their outstanding quality of being to be Yerevanian (from Yerevan) gives them certain advantages and privileges. For example, a resident of Yerevan has the right to be more arrogant or cynical than, say, a resident of Armavir.

Like any conceit, this one also has no basis and, in particular, does not justify any hooliganism. So, let those who say such things explain to themselves what it means to be “from Yerevan.” Especially since the grandparents of not many people living in the capital were born in Yerevan.

I don’t understand what it means to be proud of where you were born or where you live. Of course, you should do everything to make it beautiful, neat and clean, because it is your home. But it does not mean that “other houses” deserve contempt.

Nationality and citizenship are different. I am proud to represent a people with this culture, religion, and history. That puts a duty on me to be better and more robust so that other nations respect me. I am also proud to be a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, established in 1991 and based on certain principles and goals. Unfortunately, those principles and goals are being forgotten today, and as a result of the activities of our “talented” authorities, that state may cease to exist.

The rest of the “local” issues, it seems, are at least secondary. In particular, being a hooligan is not an indulgence for being Yerevanian (resident of Yerevan).

Let me inform you that although I was born in Yerevan, I am not from Yerevan, my parents were not born in Yerevan, and I do not live in the capital.



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