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Anahit Manasyan Elected Defender of Human Rights

April 12,2023 14:14

On April 11, yesterday, the National Assembly debated the issue of electing the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia.

At today’s sitting, the Chair of the NA Counting Commission Narek Babayan informed that after the debate of the issue of electing the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia, secret ballot was held. 69 deputies out of the NA 107 deputies took part in the voting, there were no invalid ballot papers. 69 deputies voted in favour of the candidate.

Anahit Manasyan was elected RA Human Rights Defender. Anahit Manasyan elected RA Human Rights Defender, assumed the office in the National Assembly by giving an oath in the deputies’ presence.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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