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The first “Armath” engineering laboratory opened in Glendale

April 13,2023 15:44


In Glendale, the first “Armath” engineering laboratory was opened, and the classes have already started. (The Flagship AESA – Armenian Engineers & Scientists of America STEM Academy ARMATH Program launched at AcademyUSA).

During their visit, the delegation of the “Armath” national educational program held an event aimed at increasing recognition at the Hero House platform, which was followed by meetings with the Armenian community at St. Andrew’s Church in Cupertino (Silicon Valley) and St. John’s Armenian Apostolic Church in San Francisco.

Armath’s delegation presented its 12 years of success at the meetings in California, at companies that are part of the Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises – Sada, ServiceTitan, Disqo, BluIP, Zero Systems, as well as VMWare, a partner of the “Armath” project. Prospects of cooperation were discussed with the tech community and dozens of Armenian businessmen representing the sphere of technology.

The delegation of the “Armath” national educational program was headed by Hayk Chobanyan, executive director of the Union of Advanced Technologies Enterprises.

“It is an important start to spread the program in the world’s second Armenian-majority center, uniting children on a common educational platform. On the other hand, this should also contribute to the educational interests and professional orientation of our children, which is extremely important in the modern and especially the future world where our children will live. I am sure that the opening of the next laboratories will not be delayed.

Armath is now a pan-Armenian and even an international educational program, among the best in the world. We are present in Armenian centers in Kuwait, Paris and Glendale, as well as in Georgia, Germany, India and Bangladesh.

We consider the 622 educational centers as a great success, but more than half of children in Armenia still do not have the opportunity to attend Armath laboratories. We cannot wait another 10 years until this problem is solved, because we can do it much faster if we all combine our efforts around this goal,” Hayk Chobanyan says.

Hayk Chobanyan also informed about the establishment of a corresponding fund in the USA, which aims to increase fundraising for the complete, pan-Armenian spread of the program. 

This year “Armath” national educational program aims to open 50 new laboratories  in the bordering zones of Armenia.

You can find the footage of the opening of the “Armath” engineering laboratory here.

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