How I See America
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Conspiracy is not an explanation

April 19,2023 10:30

We will never hear an unbiased and comprehensive assessment of any event of the last 35 years of Armenian history from the current political circles. Each of these political forces is interested in presenting events so that their role is perceived as a brilliant feat and their opponents as a heinous crime, still unpunished, either by misunderstanding or knowingly. Added to this propaganda trick is the “objective side”: people often honestly perceive their past in bright colors, genuinely oblivious to the shadowy manifestations of that past.

According to that, the “formers” and their associates present the events five years ago as a conspiracy organized by Turkey and Azerbaijan, the goal of which was the handover of Artsakh. I believe the West and Russia participate in the 2018 revolution, but the determining factor is internal factors. No revolution or coup happens in real life, as is depicted in O’Henry’s satirical novel “Kings and Cabbage.” Although the author accurately describes some features of the “banana republic,” life is much more complicated and diverse.

To understand the internal factor, let me recall two real cases related to elections from “pre-revolutionary everyday life.” The proxy of the opposition candidate, a young girl, notices that the committee members are engaged in fraud and will speak about it. The “shufflers” of the RPA are doing everything to get that girl to leave the precinct. Seeing that persuasion and threats do not help, they find the girl’s parents, who worked in the state system, and threaten those people that they would have problems if their daughter continues to observe. After the long pleas of the parents, the girl leaves the site.

Case two. The son of one of the prominent residents of the village appears in the criminal history. The law enforcers tell him: “If you want your son not to be arrested, you ensure the 100 percent victory of the candidate for power in the village.” That person goes door to door and “provides” what the government needs.

Where would those who suffered such humiliations five years ago be if not on the street? Do you think they have forgiven their detractors in the past five years, and are they ready to hear any name of the “former”? So, what happened five years ago was a revolution and an utterly legitimate event.

Another issue is that due to the revolution, people came to power with low intelligence but sharp tongue, which are incapable of leading the country and are leading our state to destruction with “clear steps.” But that’s another story.



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