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Why are you going for that peace when you don’t believe there will be peace, journalist to Pashinyan?

April 21,2023 13:30

In the National Assembly, journalists asked Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in a briefing: you talk non-stop about the era of peace, and at the same time, you say: I have no guarantees that after signing the document, there will be no war in the next moment, Azerbaijan will not provoke aggression, why are you going for that peace? When you do not believe there will be peace, you talk about international guarantees, which again do not inspire faith that Azerbaijan will not provoke aggression, Pashinyan answered.

“I believe in the peace agenda and the negotiation process; as I said in my speech, the nuances should be recorded correctly. It is important for us that the system of guarantees is also in the contract. And in general, when there is no guarantee, this is the most important feature of our current international situation. Today no country in the world can say: I guarantee that this will happen tomorrow, even about its security.

First of all, it is not a fact that a peace treaty is being signed. I am ready to sign as part of addressing my issues yesterday. If we sign, we sign because without signing it, it is guaranteed that everything will be the way we do not want, and in the case of signing, at least the probability increases  that it will not happen; that is, negative developments will not happen as how will they be?”


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