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The opposition was urged not to mention the names of Garegin Nzhdeh and Andranik as ARF members

April 22,2023 17:15

“The speeches about Dashnaktsutyun with that quality and those faces speak of only one thing: you have great fears about the national government because you know that the departure of your government will begin from the National. The failure of your plan to hand over the country will come from the National,” said Armenuhi Kyureghyan, deputy of the “Hayastan” faction, during the discussion of the report on the implementation of the government’s plan in 2022 at the extraordinary session of the National Assembly, referring to the qualifications and speeches of the members of the “Civil Contract” faction to the ARF. After the M.P.’s speech, N.A.

Vice President Hakob Arshakyan teased: “The ARF is cosmic; Ms. Kyureghyan and our fight are against the universe, the universe. It is an impression that the more you write the word “traitor” in your texts, the more influential the text becomes, but it is not so.”

Then during his speech, Hakob Aslanyan, deputy of the “Civil Contract” faction, called the ARF “a group of agents” whose history, in reality, is not 133 years old.

Hakob Aslanyan urged the opposition not to mention the names of Garegin Nzhdeh and Andranik as members of the dashnaktsutyun because they left the party. The members of the “Civil Contract” faction applauded these words.

Luiza Sukiasyan

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