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United States Congressman Adam Schiff to introduce legislation recognizing Artsakh’s independence

April 24,2023 15:15

ARMENPRESS. United States Congressman Adam Schiff has said that he will introduce legislation recognizing Artsakh’s independence and self-determination and condemning Azerbaijan’s aggression.

“Tomorrow morning I’ll be introducing legislation to recognize Artsakh, the independence, the sovereignty of Artsakh. This will put the US on record, recognize the right to self-determination of the people of Artsakh. I’m desperately concerned that Azerbaijan is planning another war on Artsakh, war on Armenia itself. And I think this will be a powerful message to the dictator in Baku that on a bipartisan basis Congress is going to stand up to the rights to the people of Artsakh. We need an end to this blockade, we need an end to this unprovoked violence by Azerbaijan. This resolution I hope will signal the United States’ enduring commitment to democratic peoples everywhere and in particular in Artsakh.

I think the situation is getting more precarious, more dangerous and of course the humanitarian conditions in Artsakh are deteriorating. So we need to continue to bring attention to this issue, we need to reach out to all members of Congress throughout the country, all the US senators to weigh in with the administration. The administration needs to do more than talk morally equivalent terms, there’s no moral equivalency here, it does no good to call on both sides to refrain from violence and provocation when only one side is a belligerent, and that’s Baku,” the Congressman told Asbarez, calling for stronger pressure for the U.S. government to take action and protect Artsakh.


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