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President Biden’s April 24 Statement Silent on Azerbaijan’s Genocidal Actions Against Artsakh

April 25,2023 12:45

ANCA’s Aram Hamparian Responds: “The proper way for President Biden to honor the victims of the 1915 Genocide is to stop the 2023 ethnic-cleansing of Artsakh – and that starts with ending U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan.”

WASHINGTON, DC – Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Executive Director Aram Hamparian issued the following statement regarding President Biden’s April 24th “Armenian Remembrance Day” statement.

“Today President Biden recycled past April 24th statements recognizing the 1915-23 Armenian Genocide without any reference to Azerbaijan’s ongoing genocide against Armenians living in their indigenous Artsakh homeland.”

“This is a cold and calculated move – far more than a missed opportunity – that signals to Azerbaijan that the US will not impose costs and consequences on the oil-rich Aliyev regime for its escalating ethnic-cleansing and extinction-level aggression against Artsakh and Armenia.”

“This sends a chilling message of indifference to Americans and allied Americans – and to the people of Artsakh and Armenia – under the thin veneer of false sympathy for the victims of this century-old crime.”

“Today’s statement is consistent – sadly – with the policies of a President who joined Congress (and 50 states) in recognizing the Armenian Genocide in 2021 then – within 24 hours – green-lighted continued US military aid to Azerbaijan, a country hell-bent on completing this crime.”

“The proper way for President to honor the victims of the 1915 Genocide is to stop the 2023 ethnic-cleansing of Artsakh – and that starts with ending U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan.”

President Biden’s full Armenian Remembrance Day statement is available here:

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