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Seyran Ohanyan: The rhetoric of Azerbaijan and the provocations against the sovereign territory of Armenia do not speak about living with peaceful coexistence with the Armenian people announced by that country

April 28,2023 17:30

On April 27, the Head of the RA NA Armenia Faction Seyran Ohanyan, deputies of the Faction Aghvan Vardanyan and Artur Khachatryan met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Swiss Confederation to Armenia Lukas Rosenkranz.

Seyran Ohanyan touched upon the security problems of Armenia, the humanitarian crisis created in Artsakh as a consequence of the Lachin Corridor, the deployment of checkpoint in the Lachin Corridor by the Azerbaijani side. He highlighted the fair, targeted support of the European countries towards our state and Artsakh.

“The rhetoric of Azerbaijan and the provocations against the sovereign territory of Armenia do not speak about living with peaceful coexistence with the Armenian people announced by that country,” the Head of the Faction and added that today Azerbaijan continues its provocations and pressures and tightens the loop around Artsakh.

It was noted that the Artsakh Armenians cannot be part of Azerbaijan. In resolving the crisis situation, the opposition parliamentarians highlighted the role of the international colleagues.

Speaking about the security problems of the Artsakh Armenians, Seyran Ohanyan mentioned that the security guarantee can exclusively be the solution of the status – the exercise of the right of the Artsakh people’s self-determination.

The necessity of the international colleagues’ support in the withdrawal of the Azerbaijani armed forces from the territory of the Republic of Armenia was also stressed.

Seyran Ohanyan also underscored the importance of the development of cooperation of the RF peacekeepers and the Artsakh Defense Army.

The Head of the Faction also emphasized the development of the Armenian-Swiss inter-parliamentary relations and the cooperation on the international platforms.

Lukas Rosenkranz noted that the expansion of the parliamentary ties in the relations between the two countries, the meetings with the opposition deputies are of essential importance, Similar meetings give an opportunity to be informed about the alternative viewpoints on the inner-political and regional problems.

Aghvan Vardanyan and Artur Khachatryan presented their viewpoints on the inner-political problems of our country.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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