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The power is in its element

May 23,2023 10:30

The following sentences must be included in the comments under any article or interview of ANC representatives: “ed duq eq berel qochin” (you brought Kocharyan) or “nikol@ dzer hogezavakna” (Nikol is your spiritual child).

The authors of these comments do not read the actual article or the interview and barely manage to read the title. Are these commenter “fakes,” employees of the “troll factory,” or bona fide confused people? For me, that issue is not of fundamental importance. In all cases (free or paid), such posts are in demand; otherwise, their authors would not bother to publish them.

Those who call on  to dismember, burn, and lynch the mother who lost her son in the war and  allegedly “kidnapped” Ashot Pashinyan,  are “fakes” and “trolls”?   I do not know: It is not essential if they express their support to the government even in all sincerity in this way; it already speaks about the qualities of that government. And those who write insults against Ashot, are they innocent, or are they forced to write such things? Again, it is a secondary question: these insults somehow raise their status in some circles.

Naturally, there is no symmetry because the initiator of this scandal is the government, and it is the creator of such an atmosphere, and it is done on purpose (I wouldn’t say deliberate because, in this atmosphere of hatred, adverse developments are also possible for the government). Pashinyan gave the order to detain the woman who lost her son in the battle for one month to cause these escalations, during which his supporters will have another opportunity to talk about the “formers,” “5th column,” and other topics, they love. The modus Vivendi of the current government is a scandal, aggression, opposing people, cursing and humiliating them.

What will the rest do – tens, I hope even hundreds of thousands of people who do not feel hatred and enmity towards anyone? Two things seem to me: First, complete “ignorance” towards “fakers,” “trolls,” and “zombies” from all sides, not to discuss, not to share their “hate speech.”

Second, communicate with each other with love and tolerance. My suggestion sounds naive, but aggression ultimately causes the most significant harm to the person who displays it.


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