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“Unlim”: New prepaid tariff plan by Viva-MTS

May 23,2023 15:00

Viva-MTS presents new “Unlim” prepaid tariff plan and along with unlimited Internet, one can get 450 min (on-net, to RA and Artsakh networks, MTS Russia, US and Canada) and an opportunity to send 450 SMS to RA networks, as well. Apart from that, 10 000 on-net minutes are provided after consuming the included 450 minutes.

“Our new – “UNLIM” tariff plan is designed for everyone who is almost always on the Internet, consumes large amounts of traffic, and therefore wants to have unlimited access to the Internet at the most affordable fee, in a package with local and international calls, and SMS messages. “UNLIM” is for those who don’t like limitations. Our offer targets especially young and active people who value freedom,” Viva-MTS General Director Armen Avetisian said.

Activation fee of the “Unlim” tariff plan: AMD 4500/30 days.

Activation: *208*4500#

Viva-MTS (MTS Armenia CJSC) is Armenia’s leading telecommunications operator, having the widest network reach and spreading a wide range of Voice and Data services all across Armenia. Having the best of the Armenian people at heart since its launch on 1st July 2005 and in a short period of time Viva-MTS has managed to build a nationwide network and a considerable customer base. Viva-MTS drives innovation and aims at always being at the forefront of any development serving the Armenian mobile communications market.  The company follows the guidance provided by ISO 26000 (International Standard of Social Responsibility), ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Information Security Management System) and ISO 37001 (International anti-bribery management systems standard). Additional information about Viva-MTS can be found at:


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