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It is not the time to fool around

May 26,2023 10:30

Let it not seem offensive to anyone, but the deputies of the Armenian parliament, with their speeches and arguments, are pretty far from the most severe challenges that the Republic of Armenia is facing today and  in a situation where the question of whether or not the Armenian statehood exists in the true sense of the word, in a country with a parliamentary system of government, the National Assembly should be able to provide an actual “product” that corresponds to the seriousness of the moment.

To understand what “product” we are discussing, one must realize that a new war with Azerbaijan is inevitable. Even if Pashinyan declares that Armenia is an inseparable part of Azerbaijan, the enemy will still want to “develop” the success and completely eliminate the Armenian ethnic group from this region. Since we are talking about all Armenians, political and non-political, Nikol-fans and Kocharyan-fans, current and the former, it is ridiculous to position yourself in any political trench here. An ordinary citizen can say, “Our Nikol is doing everything right; we are weak, we can’t fight the Turk,” but the people in the highest legislative body should understand (and, by the way, I think the majority do it) that avoiding war is impossible.

What “result” do I expect from the parliament? Such laws and statements which will increase the army’s fighting ability and the mobilization of society. The current National Assembly reminds me of a club of dilettante historians whose purpose is to discuss what the RA President did or said five years ago.

These issues are not politically relevant; they are of purely academic interest and are the subject of discussion by specialists. What is the change in practical terms whether five, ten or thirty years ago, did previous leaders do or say the right thing or the wrong thing? Are there no more pressing issues?

Buffoonery, wrangling, bickering, is, of course, an integral part of the work of any parliament. But such extravagance can be allowed in a standard, peaceful situation.


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