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“The Azerbaijanis have retreated in some parts of Tegh village.” The Governor of Syunik

June 07,2023 12:00

Syunik Region Governor Robert Ghukasyan said in a briefing with journalists in the parliament that engineering works are being carried out on both sides of the Tegh village, and the Azerbaijanis have retreated in some places. Regarding the damages the villagers suffered, Ghukasyan said: “Those villagers who cannot enter their territories will receive support for this year’s unrealized income because I am sure Azerbaijan should return to where it came from.

I know they went back to some places, but I can’t say how many meters they went from because the NSS is in the territory with the border guard troops, and they don’t report to me. Azerbaijan should withdraw from our sovereign territory; that is an absolute position,” said Ghukasyan.

According to the governor, around 50 families in Tegh village have a problem cultivating their lands.


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