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The foundations of our constitutional order are under attack not only by the enemy but also by the enemy’s henchmen. Avetik Chalabyan

June 10,2023 15:00

Avetik Chalabyan, one of the members of the “Hayakve” initiative, expressed his opinion at the regular meeting; today, we are in an extraordinary situation, which future generations will remember as fatal, and we must decide our fate today.

“We have an obvious unequivocal choice before us; to choose the path of being a nation or to assimilate with the surrounding world? That choice isn’t highlighted. Still, if you think deeply about what’s been happening to us, especially in the last year, when it was said that the bar should be lowered, then it turned out that the bar was dropped on the ground altogether, that there are no taboos, that the word “Genocide” may not be used, that one may say not to dream about Mount Ararat at all.

Step by step, they make us aware that we don’t exist, that our species doesn’t exist, that we even need a cadastre paper, and it doesn’t matter that the cuneiform inscription of King Argishti has been placed on the Erebuni hill for 2800 years. Today we have come to a point where they want to take away our fundamental right- the right to live, and we must oppose it. “Hayakve” was initiated to oppose and reaffirm our right to national existence,” Chalabyan said.

According to him, the initiative’s authors have decided to oppose the ongoing processes with an irreversible, fundamental obstacle from a legal point of view. The authors of the initiative noted that our Constitution is based on the Declaration of Independence, which is based on the reunification of the two-state units of the USSR.

According to Chalabyan, this goal is a termless nationwide goal. The international recognition and condemnation of the genocide, a constitutional order, was presented as the 2nd termless  national goal.

“Therefore, we live in a situation where the foundations of our constitutional order are under attack not only by the enemy but also by the henchmen of the enemy inside our country,” Chalabyan noted. He assured that the authors of this initiative would prevent those who cross the red lines from violating the constitutional order. To prevent it, to provide the necessary legal basis, they are initiating a change in the law, which will bring criminal responsibility to those who violate the constitutional order. If the legislative initiative fails to be implemented through this National Assembly, the authors of the “Hayakve” initiative propose to achieve it through a referendum.


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