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It is expected to increase the safety of transportation, fulfillment of the international obligations assumed by the RA

June 10,2023 17:15

The adoption of the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Undamaged Containers by Road Transport and the package of the related drafts derives from the necessity to make legislative amendments after the ratification of the European Agreement on International Road Transport of Dangerous Goods by the Republic of Armenia in January 2022.

This was stated by the RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Simonyan, presenting the legislative package for debate in the first reading at the extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs on June 9.

According to him, with the legislative package it is proposed to fill in the legislative gaps regulating the organization of the process of transportation of dangerous goods, to ensure the adoption of legal acts in accordance with the requirements of the international agreement.

The requirements for the professional training of drivers and security specialists and the provision of a qualification certificate are defined.

The addendum to the law on Administrative Offenses removes the requirement to set the terms of permits for the transportation of dangerous goods, as the Government is empowered to set the procedure for issuing permits for the transportation of dangerous goods by road.

It was mentioned that as a result of the adoption of the legislation, it is expected to increase the safety of transportation, fulfillment of the international obligations assumed by the RA, implementation of safe and secure cargo transportation in accordance with the requirements set by the Agreement.

The legislative package was endorsed.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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