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How did the enemy treat the Armenian “peace lovers”?

June 13,2023 10:30

As is known, on April 23 of this year, Azerbaijan, grossly violating the 6th point of the 2020 trilateral declaration, set up a “checkpoint” in the Berdzor Corridor. All this time, it has been publishing propaganda footage from that “checkpoint” to show that there is no such thing as a blockade of Artsakh, and Armenians can cross freely in both directions.

Armenia’s state propaganda and diplomacy do not make special efforts to show that such a “checkpoint” should not exist, that it is unacceptable for Armenia from a legal and political point of view. This “tolerance” is probably due to the “strategy” of the current Armenian authorities, according to which, from the point of view of the Armenian state, there is no difference between the Armenians of Artsakh and Glendale.

But first, this “checkpoint” operates only specifically for Artsakh citizens who are transported mainly for medical purposes. Secondly, those who are located and live in Nagorno- Karabakh but do not have Artsakh “registration” may be able to leave there. Still, they will definitely not have the opportunity to return. Naturally, we cannot go to Artsakh unhindered, let’s say, from Yerevan, as this, let me remind you once again, is planned by the tripartite statement.

But Azerbaijan’s impudence is not limited to this. Information is circulating that the participants of the first and second Artsakh wars, who were supposed to receive treatment in Armenia due to health problems, were not allowed by the Azerbaijanis to cross the checkpoint, calling them “terrorists.” There was also a case when the body of an Artsakh citizen who died in Armenia was not allowed to be transported to Stepanakert, citing that he participated in the first Artsakh war.

To understand what kind of “paradise” the people of Artsakh will end up as a “national minority of Azerbaijan,” it is enough to follow Ilham Aliyev’s statements. Supporters of the government sometimes say: “Why do you pay so much attention to what Aliyev said?”

Let me answer that question because the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan (according to the Chief of General Staff of the RA Armed Forces Edvard Asryan) have occupied 139 square kilometers of the sovereign territory of Armenia. Let’s add that our government, instead of restoring the territorial integrity of our state (which is its constitutional duty), talks about some “peace treaty.” So, in Azerbaijan, they not only talk but also act.

Speaking about the authorities of Artsakh, the president of Azerbaijan said the following. “They can hope for amnesty only if they voluntarily give up all their false positions and apply for Azerbaijani citizenship.” Our centuries-long historical experience shows that those nobles and ministers who accepted foreign rule and went to “Ctesiphon” to ask for forgiveness did not receive any “amnesty,” even if such a promise was made to them. And to know what they did with such nobles in the “ctesiphons”, I recommend you study Armenian history, or at least read historical books.


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