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We’ll try to provide the proper procurement of the famers’ crop: Vahan Kerobyan answers the question of deputy Rustam Bakoyan

June 16,2023 15:44

During the NA-Government Q&A session, the deputy of the Civil Contract Faction Rustam Bakoyan inquired from the RA Minister of Economy if the farmer will clash with the problems related to the apricot export, what strategy the Government worked out on the procurement of grapes and what percentage of land reserves has passed to the drip irrigation method.

In response to the questions, the Minister noted that in Jrarat community the farmers complained about the prices of apricot procurement. “We should quickly analyse the situation in our and in export markets and quickly solve the problem of apricot export. We’ll hope that during one-two days the problem will be solved,” the Minister of Economy stated and added that they will try to provide the proper procurement of the farmers’ crop.

“Today, I have spoken with the companies that are engaged with the procurement of grapes to understand their plans. The situation is not encouraging. We don’t think that the crop of the whole grapes will be procured. We notice improper behavior by the entities,” the Minister said.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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