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Aleksey Sandikov to Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport: Is issue of establishing Russian schools in RA being debated?

June 16,2023 12:44

During the National Assembly-Government Q&A session, the deputy of the Civil Contract Faction Aleksey Sandikov mentioned that additional funds were allocated to purchase textbooks for the Russian sector operating in Armenian schools. The deputy also noted that recently the issue of opening 4 Russian schools in Armenia has been debated. Addressing the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Zhanna Andreasyan, the deputy inquired whether this issue is still on the agenda.

“We have a joint protocol of the Armenian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission, which outlines a number of programmes. As for joint general education programmes, they have two directions: one is ensuring the right to education of Russian citizens in Armenia, lessons taught in Russian are being operated in 46 general education schools, and the other is the joint general education programme, which can be implemented within the framework of our legislation,” the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport stated and adding that if they are talking about such a joint programme, in which our citizens should also take part, then we have a wonderful example of the Armenian-Chinese school. This option is under debate as well.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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