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Delegations of European Parliament Visit Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

June 20,2023 19:30

The delegations led by the Dutch Member of the European Parliament Bert-Jan Ruissen and the Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence of the European Parliament Nathalie Loiseau are in Armenia.

On June 20, the guests accompanied by the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. The members of the delegations laid a wreath and flowers at the Eternal Fire perpetuating the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims, honoured in silence and bowing the memory of Holy Martyrs.

In the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute getting acquainted with the documents and materials proving the massacre, Bert-Jan Ruissen left a note in the Book of Honorable Guests. “Thank you very much for the tour. The exhibition is very moving. It shows the tragic fate of the Armenian population. We should not forget these horrible acts and we should keep the memories of the genocide alive,” the Dutch MP noted.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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