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“A lot depends on the leaders of the countries.” Marija Pejčinović Burić on the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations

June 21,2023 13:30

“The Council of Europe proposed one of the important steps, which is under the authority of the organization, the introduction of confidence-building mechanisms,” said Marija Pejčinović Burić , the Secretary General of the Council of Europe during a question-and-answer session with PACE delegates during the plenary session of the PACE summer session.

Hripsime Grigoryan, a member of the Armenian delegation to the PACE, reminded the CE Secretary General that Azerbaijan is not complying with the decision of the UN Court and asked what specific steps the CE is taking. In her speech, Marija Pejcinović Burić emphasized the development of trust-building mechanisms, noting that the CE’s way to find a solution in the current situation is to establish trust and dialogue between the two sides.

“Regarding the establishment of peace, she mentioned; how to build peace from different sides – will it be a road to Nakhichevan, or peace in Nagorno-Karabakh and ensuring human rights, realizing the right of free movement of people through the Lachin Corridor? In this regard, I can say that high-level delegations are visiting both countries. Two or three weeks ago, such a delegation was in Azerbaijan and will be in Armenia in two weeks. And the purpose of these missions is to examine all the issues related to the dialogue and peace establishment of the CE.

The parties should listen to and talk to each other more; issues related to missing persons and prisoners should be discussed. There is no substitute for working together and negotiating. But a lot depends on the leaders of the countries. I see that there are problems. Therefore, I want to remind both countries that they have committed to finding a peaceful solution to important issues, and I refer to those commitments again.”


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