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It is proposed to license entire process of explosive materials, from import to exploitation

June 22,2023 17:15

In the extraordinary sitting of June 21, the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs debated and endorsed the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Licensing and the related package of drafts authored by the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Sisak Gabrielyan in the second reading.

It is proposed to make the importation, storage, use of explosive materials, blasting equipment, as well as the activity of importation, production, storage, trade and use of explosive materials, a type of activity subject to licensing.

According to the author, at present, the production, import and trade of explosives are carried out according to the simple procedure of the activity subject to notification defined by the law on Activity Implementation Notification, but considering that these functions contain safety, health and other components, it became necessary to bring the process into the field of licensing from import to exploitation, which will provide an opportunity to take more effective oversight measures.

Sisak Gabrielyan informed that after the first reading, a number of amendments were made together with the counterparts of the Government. As a result, a revised version of the legislative package was introduced. According to him, the provision on oversight has been tightened: the sale of explosive materials to minor citizens will be prohibited. Fireworks will be allowed during events with state and community participation.

Answering the question of the Committee member Hovik Aghazaryan about taking international experience into consideration, the key rapporteur stated that most of the European countries apply stricter restrictions.

Hovik Aghazaryan expressed concern that the tightening might lead to the preparation of self-made explosives.

According to Sisak Gabrielyan, most children are obsessed with computer games.

The endorsement of the Government was presented by the RA Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs David Hambaryan, highlighting the joint cooperation.

The law will enter into force 6 months after its official publication.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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