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Problems related to food security were discussed by President Harutyunyan

June 23,2023 23:23

On June 23, Artsakh Republic President Arayik Harutyunyan convened a meeting of the Security Council.

Problems related to food security in the conditions of the blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan and their possible solutions were discussed.

State Minister Gurgen Nersisyan reported on the measures taken to overcome the situation created in the context of the suspension of humanitarian supplies. He also presented the programs launched in recent months and aimed at reducing foreseeble risks in the field of food security.

Minister of Agriculture Georgy Hayriyan presented the planned activities concerning the organizition of harvesting, procurement and supply of agricultural products considering the existing fuel shortages.

An exchange of views took place on the issues presented.

President Harutyunyan gave a number of instructions, emphasizing the importance of targeted and effective measures taken to ensure the well-being of the population during times of crisis.


The Office of the NKR President


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