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Legislative initiative on voluntary military service of female citizens debated

June 27,2023 17:01

The legislative initiative on Making Amendment and Addenda to the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Military Service and the Status of Servicemen and on Making Addenda to the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Defense defines the relations regarding applying for this purpose by female citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo mandatory military service on a voluntary basis, their military registration, conscription, the place of service, and the calculation of honorarium after the end of service.

According to the RA Minister of Defense Suren Papikyan, female representatives will serve for six months if they wish, and female citizens aged 18-27 can submit an application. Deadlines for submitting applications are set until March 1 or October 1 of the corresponding year, the applicants will have the right to refuse mandatory military service before the day of conscription. In case of six months of service, the honorarium will amount to 1 million AMD, and in case of premature release from service due to the health condition, the above-mentioned 1 million AMD will be divided over the months of the 6-month service and will be allocated according to the length of service.

The Minister stated that the conscripted female servicemen are assigned to a training military unit without drawing lots, and serve exclusively in that military unit. For this purpose, the process of forming a women’s battalion in the form of a separate military unit is in process.

After the first reading, no substantive amendments were made. The draft law was adopted in the second reading and in full.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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