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There was a theoretical possibility to avoid war, but it was a necessary condition to abandon the Armenian vision of settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh issue, Pashinyan

June 27,2023 22:02 Armen Khachatryan, member of the investigative commission investigating the circumstances of the 44-day war, asked Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan whether it was impossible to stop the conveyor leading to war, no matter what was done.
“I don’t think that if we should not give up the vision of Nagorno-Karabakh being outside of Azerbaijan. At that moment, we could say that we give up the vision of seeing Nagorno-Karabakh outside Azerbaijan, which, of course, does not guarantee that the war could be avoided. I could see the conveyor belt of war being followed by intersections of war with negotiation content. For example, one of the crossroads of the war was the adjustments related to the Lachin Corridor, which, in fact, was not adjusted in Kazan, and was adjusted even less later. There should have been some discussion here.
The next crossroads of the war was the process of involvement of, so to speak, Armenian and Azerbaijani communities in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The next crossroads in the war was the possible process of delimitation and demarcation, the peace treaty.
In other words, I am not saying that there was no theoretical possibility to avoid war, but for that theoretical possibility, the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue was a necessary condition, if we say conventionally, to abandon the Armenian vision, which could create a theoretical possibility to avoid such developments.

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