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“Russia has the biggest toolset in our region; Russia is here; it must take clear steps to lift the blockade.” Opposition MP

June 28,2023 12:00

On June 27, the Supreme Body of the ARF of Armenia initiated a 24-hour sit-in in front of the embassies of the United States, the Russian Federation, the Republic of France, and the EU representation in Armenia, urging the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries and the EU not to be satisfied with statements, but to take active steps against Azerbaijan’s blockade of Artsakh, in the direction of immediate elimination.

The participants of the sit-in entitled “SOS Artsakh,” “This is the continuation of the genocide,” and “No more excuses. Action: “Save 120,000 lives,” and other placards were near the embassies from 8:30 in the morning.

Anna Grigoryan, deputy of the Armenia faction near the Russian embassy, answered the question: What expectations can you have from the international community when the judgment of The Hague Court has not yet been implemented? “Of course, it has not been implemented, but that does not mean that we should sit back and not continue to take decisive steps. We demand that apart from statements and appeals, they should also take effective steps so that Azerbaijan stops the policy of ethnic cleansing that it has been carrying out for months.

We are at the Russian Embassy with a clear demand that, being one of the guarantors, mediators, and signatories of the November 9 statement, it should be more specific, active and take all possible steps to open the Lachin corridor. Finally, Russia has the largest military and diplomatic tools in our region. Therefore, the Russian Federation must take clear steps to lift the blockade. Apart from calls, there should be sanctions, but unfortunately, we are witnessing that sanctions are not being applied, and cooperation is deepening. And this applies to all actors in the international community. See what kind of cooperation the EU has with Azerbaijan from the point of view of gas security and Russia. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Azerbaijan is carrying out a policy of ethnic cleansing; our call is not only to record but to take steps first to prevent and then to punish.”



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