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What is trust made of?

July 04,2023 10:30

Sociology in Armenia and throughout the post-Soviet space is usually identified with public opinion polling. And since these surveys open a wide field of manipulations, ordinary citizens, as a rule, approach sociologists very critically. But surveys are only one of the tools that can be used in the social sciences (including sociology). Many other scientific tools exist to understand what patterns operate in a given society.

What is missing in our state: money, weapons, talented and disinterested leaders? Many people may disagree with me, but in my view, all of this is a consequence of the main problems. And the reasons are not material at all; they should be sought in the peculiarities of public relations in our country.

American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, who is also criticized for his wrong prediction of the “end of history” in 1989, named his book published in 1995 as follows: “Trust: The Social Virtues and The Creation of Prosperity.” “Social virtues” from which, in particular, trust arises.

What is it made of? The concept of “trust rating” exists in the same public opinion polls. They ask people if they trust so and so, and then they write some percentages. However, everything is not so unambiguous.

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Let me give two almost every day examples from my own experience. For five years, the former authorities of Yerevan assured me, a public transport user, that soon the city’s unified transport network would be ready, and I will have one electronic ticket for all forms of transport. After 2018, the capital’s new authorities assure the same thing and do not do it.

The second example; I only had irrigation water for one day during June. When I raised the issue, the high-ranking officials of the Water Users Union said that they had instructed the lower officials of the Water Users Union to eliminate the deficiencies, and the latter also reported that the problem is solved; I will have water from July 1. Today is July 4, and you can guess whether I have water.

Thus, trust is created not by saying “yes” or “no” during polls but by the work of state and public institutions. Trust is not a material phenomenon; it cannot be touched or weighed. But it’s the mindset that helps solve the problem. Or not solve if there is no trust.


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