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RA NA delegation takes part in work of 30th anniversary General Assembly of Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy

July 10,2023 18:45

From June 29 to July 3, the 30th anniversary General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.) was held in the city of Chalkidiki, Greece with the title of 30 years of I.A.O.: Facing new challenges. Before new perspectives. At the end of the Assembly, with the proposal of the Secretary General of the I.A.O., the participants of the session adopted a statement in which Azerbaijan’s blockade of Nagorno Karabakh was also condemned.

The Head of the RA NA delegation to the I.A.O., the Chair of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Sisak Gabrielyan, the deputies Tsovinar Vardanyan and Hrachya Hakobyan participated in the work of the Assembly. The delegates of the Parliaments of 19 countries and the representatives of various international organizations attended the Assembly.

Sisak Gabrielyan took part in the closed meeting of the International Secretariat preceding the Assembly, where issues regarding the further activities of the organization were discussed.

During the Assembly, the Head of the RA NA delegation Sisak Gabrielyan, congratulating on the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the organization, highly valued the latter’s role in overcoming inter-religious contradictions and deepening inter-religious dialogue. He also emphasized the role of I.A.O. in creating an exclusive platform for cooperation for parliamentarians of different countries, which aims to protect the religious rights and freedoms of Christians and promote peace policy. Sisak Gabrielyan also referred to the blockade of Artsakh, the ethnic cleansing carried out by Azerbaijan, the occupation of the sovereign territories of the Republic of Armenia and the aggressive policy continued by Azerbaijan.

The RA NA deputy Tsovinar Vardanyan touched upon the ongoing developments surrounding the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh in her speech, presented the resolution adopted by the PACE on June 23 in detail, and talked about the ongoing negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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