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Liability designed in case of violation of requirements submitted to RA flag

July 11,2023 17:15

The draft of the package of laws on Amending the Law on the RA Flag and on Making Amendments and Addendum to the RA Code on Administrative Offenses was debated in the first reading at the extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs on July 11.

According to the key rapporteur, the RA Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan, it is planned to ensure the requirements of the RA flag being complete, clean and not discolored. The implementation of the presented requirements will promote the appreciation of the RA flag among the state symbols by the public and the formation of respect for it.

Armenuhi Harutyunyan noted that with the proposed addendum to the Code on Administrative Offenses, fines are imposed on individuals or legal entities in cases of violating the requirements to the RA flag.

According to the rapporteur, physical or legal persons will be fined 30.000-50,000 AMD, and officials – 70.000-100.000 AMD.

The Deputy Minister mentioned that the draft clarifies the range of entities applying administrative liability for the mentioned offense. The authority is reserved to the RA Police instead of the Administrative Court.

The rapporteur underscored that the Government proposed to make some amendments in the title of the draft.

The Deputy Minister also informed that it is proposed to supplement Article 1 of the draft law with a new Part 6. It was noted that non-observance of the internal rules will result in disciplinary liability in accordance with the procedure established by the RA Labor Code.

The key rapporteur informed that technical amendments were also made.

The Committee endorsed the draft law.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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