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An inevitable return to the old methods

July 15,2023 10:30

It is evident that Nikol Pashinyan cannot lead the state; his five years of leadership have brought deplorable results. Usually, when hearing such claims, supporters of the government do not try to prove that Pashinyan is a genius leader but ask: “But were Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan able to lead the state?” My answer is yes because they ran the system they created based entirely on corruption and illegalities. For this reason, I’m afraid I have to disagree with those who say that the revolution of 2018 was a disaster. The disaster wasn’t the revolution—people didn’t want to live the way they had for two decades. The disaster was not creating a new system that requires higher intelligence, more profound knowledge, a willingness to learn, and the ability to accept mistakes.

Let me clarify with a few examples. It would help if you were a good lawyer, a high professional, to make a well-founded accusation. Since there are no such abilities, it is much easier to make a fight in the police station and then “punch” the indictment through a pocket court. That is, to continue doing what was done in the “Former’s days.”

One must have intelligence and appropriate arguments to give an expected answer to the opponent (not to insult him irrelevantly). It’s easier to throw him in jail.

If the government does not like the “Hayakve” initiative, then the citizens should be explained why it is so great to “integrate” Artsakh into Azerbaijan and why it is not a crime. Since they can’t usually explain it, resorting to tried and tested methods is easier. 1/ to threaten teachers and other budget workers that they will be fired if they sign, 2/ to attack the organizers of the signature collection through a local mob.

In this way, new “Liskas” and new “Shmaises” appear, or conditional “Liskas” and “Shmaises” become members of the Civil Contract, and among them, so to speak, a “proud citizen” awakens, as before, a ” the nzhdeh spirit ” was awakening.

Everything, in short, continues in the same style. The only difference is that this system, as I said, was created by the Second and Third presidents. And the current prime minister can neither manage that system nor establish a new one.


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