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RA NA Vice President touches upon the concern expressed by the RF Deputy Speaker of the Federal Assembly

July 21,2023 20:33

During the 37th sitting of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Cooperation between the RA NA and the RF FA, in response to the concern expressed by the Deputy Speaker of the RF FA Federation Council Yury Vorobyov, Hakob Arshakyan informed that the issue of the adoption of the Rome Statute is at the phase of active discussion within the experts’ framework of the Foreign Ministries of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, and it is not directed in any way against Russia, it will serve for the prevention of the Azerbaijani encroachments in the sovereign territory of Armenia.

The NA Deputy Speaker expressed conviction that legal solution will certainly be found to the issue, which will be acceptable for Armenia and Russia. The NA Vice President also underscored that the ratification process of the Statute began much earlier than the decision made towards the RF President by the International Court. The given circumstance documents that the process could not and cannot in any way be directed against Russia.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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