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Under the conditions imposed by the enemy, the number of citizens deprived of income and employment is increasing day by day

July 22,2023 12:45

Under the conditions imposed by the enemy, every day new business entities stop their activities, and the number of citizens deprived of income and employment is increasing day by day.

As “Artsakhpress” informs, the Minister of Social Development and Migration of the Artsakh Republic Vahram Arakelyan said.

“Unemployment depends on several circumstances, including the fact that it is the result of incomplete functioning of the economy. Basically, the ministry has very few resources to provide employment to citizens.

The only solution are the measures launched by the government for alleviating the socio-economic consequences of the blockade.

However, this cannot completely solve the issue of income and sufficient living of these families,” the head of the department said, expressing hope that the situation will not become more extreme.

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