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Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia received the newly-appointed Ambassador of Iran

July 22,2023 18:00

On July 22, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan received the newly-appointed Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Armenia Mehdi Sobhani on the occasion of handing over the copies of his credentials.

Minister Mirzoyan congratulated Mehdi Sobhani on his appointment to the responsible mission, expressing hope that the newly-appointed Ambassador through his activities will make an important contribution to the further development of relations between the two friendly and neighboring countries.

The newly-appointed Ambassador thanked for the warm welcome and expressed readiness to make every effort to further promote the relations between the two countries which have been continuously developing on a historical and civilizational basis, and to support the implementation of programs of mutual interest.

During the meeting, a number of issues on the comprehensive Armenian-Iranian agenda was discussed. The interlocutors commended the dynamically developing Armenian-Iranian political dialogue, emphasizing the importance of mutual visits at a high level.

The sides touched upon the deepening of bilateral cooperation in trade, economic, energy and transport spheres and the steps towards implementation of the ongoing and envisaged programs.

The interlocutors also exchanged views on regional security issues.

Touching upon the latest discussions on the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ararat Mirzoyan stressed that the efforts of the Armenian side are aimed at establishing lasting peace in the South Caucasus, which will benefit all the peoples of the region. The sides stressed that the existing problems should be resolved by peaceful means and through negotiations.

Minister Mirzoyan presented the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh resulting from the illegal blockade of the Lachin corridor, stressing the need for immediate lifting of the blockage.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

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