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Despondency is a deadly sin

July 25,2023 10:30

Protest actions with few people continue in Yerevan, the purpose of which is to draw people’s attention to the catastrophic situation in Artsakh. Whose attention is it about? I think the primary addressees are the Armenians in the Republic of Armenia and the Diaspora. As strange as it may seem, in our information age, most people have no idea what deprivations our compatriots in Artsakh suffer.

Many people here in Armenia willy-nilly repeat the Azerbaijani propaganda that the news about the humanitarian disaster is exaggerated and the people of Artsakh live very usually there. The ostrich position of most Armenians certainly creates psychological comfort for them and helps them to live everyday life.

There are also Armenians who know very well what is happening in Artsakh, but without admitting it to them; they feel a certain satisfaction from it because, in that degenerate way, they are “taking revenge” for the hardships of the previous 30 years. As I wrote in the last article, these people are the “core electorate” of the current authorities.

Why are all these demonstrations needed today? First, I see their meaning in the fact that we prove to ourselves and the world that we have not lost our national dignity. (The results of the 2021 parliamentary elections indicated the exact opposite). If a nation indifferently watches the annihilation of 120,000 compatriots, what do foreigners think about that nation? What do the nation’s representatives feel about themselves?

And if several hundreds of thousands of people appear on the streets of Yerevan with the demand to unblock Artsakh, it will have at least two consequences. 1./ The world will understand that people living here are not ready to come to terms with national humiliation; 2/ the authorities of Armenia will realize that they either have to give up the policy of surrendering everything or leave.

The most wrong, reprehensible position is “everything is hopeless; nothing can be done, it’s better to be smart, maybe we won’t be massacred.” It’s a familiar position, right?


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