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Open Letter To Right Honorable Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada, from Dr. Arshavir Gundjian

July 31,2023 14:20


To please help stop the genocidal monstrous crime being perpetrated at this very moment against the Armenian population, in their homeland of Nagorno Karabagh.


 July 25th, 2023

Right Honorable Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada

80 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Dear Prime Minister,

I am taking the initiative to write this open letter to you with a sense of dire urgency, as a proud citizen of this God blessed country of Canada, who is also proud of his Armenian descendancy.

The urgency I refer to, is a result of a humanitarian crisis which unfortunately is at par with some of the other current humanitarian crises such as the one affecting the Ukraine. However, whereas the latter has fortunately the full attention and help of much of the civilized world focused on it, the gravity of this other crime against humanity unfortunately appears to mostly miss the attention of the international community. Indeed, at this very moment, a blockaded entire population of 120 000 Armenians. including the very young, adult, elderly, healthy as well as seriously ill, men and women living on their ancestral lands of Nagorno Karabagh, are held at the border line of starvation by a vengeful Azerbaijani government and its despotic leader Ilham Aliyev, merely in order to achieve the latter’s political objectives.

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, unfortunately the daily heart-wrenching news of this sadistic slow genocidal act, a blatant crime against humanity, do not permeate sufficiently through the reports of other daily multiple international tragedies.

Knowing that you personally and our government, are aware to a good extent, about this human tragedy taking place in the South Caucasus, and echoing surely the feelings of Canadian Armenians in general, I actually do like to express to start with, our appreciation for the decision announced recently by the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly, to name two Canadian representatives to the European Union civilian monitoring mission in Armenia, concerning this crisis.

However, in view of the persistent continuing sad news of growing literal desperation, due to the actual death of children, and of the seriously ill lying helplessly deprived of medical supplies in their deathbeds, we receive from the region, I am writing this letter to you dear Mr. Trudeau, expressly to stress the magnitude of the crisis and the need for immediate intervention to stop this insensitive criminal madness.

Canada’s impeccable track record as a leader in the promotion of peace and justice in the world, justifies that you take the initiative through the appropriate processes offered by the UN or otherwise, to lead an international immediate intervention, specifically to force the swift opening of the currently blocked Lachine corridor of relief between the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh, in order to allow the immediate passage of humanitarian help, such as food and vital medical supplies, as well as the transportation of the critically ill.

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, this is an urgent call for you to please help stop this genocidal monstrous crime being perpetrated at this very moment against peaceful Armenians in their multi millennial homeland of Nagorno Karabagh.

This call echos the voice of Armenians from across the world, from the green lands of Nagorno Karabagh, inseparable part of multi millenial Armenia, from the flanks of historic mount Ararat, from the altar of the first Christian church in the world of Holy Etchmiadzine, and especially from the proud Armenian citizens across Canada. Respectfully yours,

Dr. Arshavir Gundjian C. M. McGill University retired Professor Canadian Armenian community leader 12450 Albert Prevost Ave. Montreal, QC., H4K 2A7 Cc.Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly.

Honorable Ambassador of Armenia in Canada Anahit Haroutyunian

PS. Please note that this letter will be published in the Canadian Armenian trilingual weekly ABAKA, as well as in wide spread other publications in the Armenian Diaspora and Armenia.

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