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A young couple traveled two hours to participate in a demonstration near the United Nations headquarters in New York

August 11,2023 16:08

Armenians have been demonstrating near the UN headquarters in New York for 13 days. To participate in them, a couple, Suren and Manik, traveled 2 hours from Connecticut of the northeastern part of the USA, which is very inspiring. Facebook user Astrid wrote about this on her Facebook page, publishing photos. “A young protester, Melanya, from Paris, talks to an Albanian in French, telling the history of Kosovo and noting how similar the situation in Artsakh is to that. Of course, Artsakh is Armenian land, but the Turks only know war,” the user wrote, reminding us of the Armenian Genocide.

She also wrote that every small step of the struggle has a ripple effect, so he called on other Armenians to join the protest in defense of Artsakh.

Prepared by Gohar HAKOBYAN

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