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The HRD of Azerbaijan has yet to respond to the letter RA HRD Anahit Manasyan sent a month ago.

August 18,2023 15:00

Human rights defender Anahit Manasyan referred to Azerbaijan’s kidnapping of Artsakh resident Vagif Khachatryan in a briefing with journalists after the government session. She said that protecting Vagif Khachatryan’s fundamental rights is at the center of the study of HRD.

“His fundamental rights are interfered with, violating international legal guarantees and standards. It is supported by factual data. From the point of view of international humanitarian law, a person was deprived of his liberty in the context of implementing a humanitarian mission when he was under humanitarian protection. He is not wanted internationally, and the person entered the military service much later than the act he is accused of was committed.”

Recently, at an urgent session of the UN Security Council, a representative of Azerbaijan stated: “People are happy, they dance on their occasions, and the false accusations of genocide are unfounded.” What is the HRD of Armenia doing to make the world understand that people are dying of hunger in Artsakh? In response to the journalist’s question, Manasyan said: “The HRD has published extraordinary reports in which the situation in Artsakh is presented in great detail. There are not only general formulations but also quantitative and statistical data, and qualitative analyzes are made. In particular, conclusions about which fundamental rights problems arise. We send our international partners the main developments related to the situation every two weeks. I have public and private contacts with international partners, showing the situation.”

Referring to the reactions of international organizations related to the humanitarian crisis in Artsakh, Manasyan said there is a need to take active steps. “It is essential that international actors also take active steps to resolve the issue. We cannot at least talk about guaranteed rights in the modern world. We must have full protection and guarantee of fundamental rights.” She said that she had not yet received a reply to the letter he sent to the human rights defender of Azerbaijan 1 month ago.


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