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Why is everything so quickly forgotten?

August 29,2023 10:33

On August 17, Prime Minister Pashinyan landed at Kapan airport, and that visit was advertised as another “major achievement” of this government: Yerevan-Kapan flights were supposed to become regular.

However, this did not happen, and whatever was officially announced, the main reason was that the Azerbaijani military was obstructing that flight. Adhering to the “peace agenda,” the Armenian authorities do not ensure the safety of these flights or give orders to suppress the relevant firing points. It’s clear: “So they won’t start a war for that?”But that is not the exciting thing.

The most remarkable thing is that Armenia had no particular joy regarding the “opening of the flight”; the news went unnoticed despite this air connection being vital for us. Few people were interested in the cancellation of the flight either: Perhaps only those who bought a ticket and did not fly anywhere.

I see the explanation in the features of modern news. Whether it’s a social network or a news site, the consumer browses it, scrolls, and, according to some studies, a maximum of 18-20 percent of the information remains in memory. “Azerbaijanis kidnapped a young man from Artsakh,”  ” From the window of the Investigative Committee, a suspect jumped again,” “Megastar rapper Gugush finally introduced his new girlfriend to the public (photo series),” “Yerevan-Kapan flight was canceled again,” “A batch of drugs was found with the teenagers.”

These headlines flash before our eyes, and it’s usually hard to decide which ones are more important, which will impact our lives, and which ones won’t. The problem is that most people scroll that tape not to learn anything but just for fun, to kill time.

Especially young people get bored very quickly from reading a book, studying a material, listening to a lecture, or even just eating, and quickly pick up the phone to get their share of dopamine and easy pleasure. And “in the phone” everything is mixed up and … everything is forgotten very quickly.

Naturally, I see the solution in purposeful work – those people who can educate and enlighten society. There should be no place for arrogance and snobbery here.



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