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Zaruhi Batoyan: Initiative to establish right to create parenting groups in field of inclusive education

September 12,2023 12:45

The purpose of the draft law on Making Addenda and Amendments to the Law on General Education is to promote the implementation of inclusive education in the republic. The author of the draft, the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Zaruhi Batoyan said this at the NA regular sitting on September 11.

According to the key rapporteur, the RA educational system has adopted the policy of ensuring universal inclusive education, which, according to her, implies not only the existence of educational programmes and methodology, but also the creation of such an environment where every child’s access to education, the possibility of equal participation, etc. is ensured.

It was noted that inclusive education implies not only the implementation of this entire educational process, but also close cooperation with the parents. According to her, in the countries where inclusive education has been successfully established, parenting groups are very active.

This experience also exists in Armenia, where there are many parenting groups that support the child’s educational process.

According to Zaruhi Batoyan, since these processes are not established by law, she proposed to make the relevant amendments to review the rights and responsibilities of the teachers and the students’ parents. In addition, the right to create a mutual support group for the parents of students who need special educational conditions at school will be defined, for the realization of the child’s right to education, for effective interaction with the teachers and parents.

It is also proposed to define the responsibilities of a student’s parent to include participation in the implementation of the child’s individual learning programme, as well as supporting the lesson preparation and fostering a respectful attitude towards the person and the state.

“The draft will be another important incentive for the activity of the parent groups,” Zaruhi Batoyan said.

It was also mentioned that the circumstance of considering the activity of parenting groups in the grant programmes was debated with the Government colleagues, so that it would be the logical continuation.

Zaruhi Batoyan stated that the draft law derives from the RA education strategy.

The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Taguhi Ghazaryan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee.

The RA Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Zhanna Andreasyan informed in her related speech that the Government presented a number of proposals that are already included in the draft law. Emphasizing the adoption of the draft, the Minister stated that it mainly contains values emphasis.

Zhanna Andreasyan also noted that a new inclusiveness financing system has been operating since September, which will significantly improve the current situation. According to her, the draft law is completely consistent with the Government’s policy in the field.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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